Raum und Struktur für einen Internationalismus des 21. Jahrhunderts.

Event: Youth Voice Against Tyranny
A conversation on the power of youth engagement against tyranny and in the Philippines on June 25th.
In the Philippines, the youth and student movement has led the revolutionary charge against colonial regimes, oppressive systems and fasist dictators throughout history to the present day. From the 1892 Katipunan where young people revolted against the Spanish – to the 1970 First Quarter Storm where thousands of students protested against the Marcos dictatorship – to today’s environmental youth activists being policed and murdered, the Filipino youth struggle continues and calls for international solidarity and strength.
The main speaker will be Vennel Chenfoo from Panalipdan Mindanao Youth (Defend Mindanao), who has been a Student Leader Activist in the Philippines since 2010. Vennel and his family are currently in Germany in temporary relatonation, due to political persecution by the government and the ongoing criminalization of activists.
Vennel was a member and nominee of Kabataan Partylist (2016 & 2019), the sole youth representative in the Philippine Congress. He actively campaigned for the right to education for Filipino youth and students. With decades of activism work, Vennel expanded his advocacy from students to farmers, Indigenous people and marginalized sectors of society. Vennel became an environmental defender, fighting against the plunder by large-scale, foreign-oweed mining operations, logging companies, mega dams, and the expansion of monocrop plantations in Mindanao.
“I am who the state considers its enemy because I bring light to the real state of the nation – a citation that is worse and contrary to their false narrative,” Vennel Chenfoo.
Saturday, 25. June | 3pm | InterBüro, Genter Straße 60, 13353 Berlin
Alpas-Pilipinas represents the anti-imperialist, anti-capitalist struggle in the Philippines to support and organize the Filipino migrant community in Berlin.
Gabriela-Germany works to advance the Progressive Women’s Movement in the Philippines and around the world.
InterBüro is an internationalist space in Berlin-Wedding organized by the groups “Interbrigadas” and “Hände weg vom Wedding”.
Panalipdan Youth is a Mindanao-based alliance of youth advocating for environmental protection, people’s land rights, food security, and national sovereignty.
Inforveranstaltung: Youth Voice Against Tyranny
Gemeinsam mit den Genoss:innen von Alpas-Pilipinas, Gabriela-Germany und Panalipdan Youth werden wir uns am Samstag, 25. Juni um 15:00 Uhr, über die aktuellen Entwicklungen in den Philippinen austauschen.
Nach dem Sieg der faschistischen Rechten bei den Wahlen im Mai ist internationalistischer Widerstand nötiger denn je.
Hauptredner wird Vennel Chenfoo sein, ein studentischer Aktivist, der sich seit langer Zeit für die Rechte der Unterdrückten in den Philippinen einsetzt und derzeit aufgrund politischer Repression im Exil in Deutschland wohnt.
Die Veranstaltung findet auf Englisch statt – eine Flüsterübersetzung auf Deutsch ist gewährleistet.
Samstag, 25. Juni | 15:00 Uhr | InterBüro, Genter Straße 60, 13353 Berlin